Restaurants & Bars

Looking to increase your sales?

The food service industry often relies on their "regulars" as the lifeblood of their business, but with lots of competition and rapidly changing trends, it can be tough to keep your business at the forefront of customers' minds. How can you get them to come back and spend more without making them feel pressured?

Our sports pools are a great way to keep customers engaged and coming back to your establishment, and with our new location access requirements, you can ensure that they must physically be at your location in order to make picks, view reports, or access any pages at all (customizable to your needs). Options for patrons to use their mobile devices, or a tablet/computer located at the establishment.

Here are some scenarios our customers are using to increase foot traffic at their establishment:

If you're interested in setting up a pool using our location access functionality, or if you have any questions, please contact us at