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MLB Baseball Pools

Pick your format, configure your pool, and we'll do the work for you.

Once the College Basketball Tournament in March ends, are you looking for a new pool to run for the summer, until the the NFL returns in the Fall? If so, consider running a Pro Baseball pool with this year.

While America's past time isn't traditionally associated with office pools, currently offers two great baseball pool formats to choose from. No matter which one you pick, we're positive we can simplify the process of running and baseball pool for your family, friends, or office colleagues.

MLB pools
Easy Setup
Your pool will be up and running in minutes, ready to invite members.
No Obligation
Run your pool for free through the first week of the season.
Configuration Options
Lots of scoring and configuration options for the Administrator.
Online Pick Sheets
Members make picks online using our bullet-proof pick sheets.
Automatic Deadlines
Picks are locked down at the beginning of each week of games.
Real-time Updating
Standings and reports will be updated as games end.
Detailed Reporting
Pick summaries, weekly and year-to-date leaderboard, and more.
Private Message Board
Post your rules, trash talk, and communicate with other members
Survivor Pools
Also known as Last Man Standing, Eliminator, or Suicide pools, the goal is to outpick other pool members each week by picking a team that wins most of it's games. Can you survive, advance, and be the last man standing in your pool?
  • Each member picks a different pro team for the week (a pro team can only be picked once per season)
  • If the team they pick wins at least 50% of their games that week, they survive and advance.
  • Pool commissioners determine how many 'strikes' (incorrect picks) before members are eliminated.
  • The goal is to be the the last member standing at the end of the season.
13-Run Pools
Think of it as Baseball Bingo, where the goal is to be the first member to punch all the runs on your ticket, from zero up to 13. Enter your own teams assignments from an offline draft or have us randomly assign each member a team.
  • A maximum of 30 members can join a pool.
  • Each member is assigned an MLB team.
  • Each time your team plays, the number of runs they scored will be tracked
  • The goal is to be the first member to have their team score every number, from 0 to 13 runs.