Splash Sports, RunYourPool, & OfficeFootballPool are now a unified brand. Rest assured that you are in the right place.

Brand Your Pool for FREE!

Besides the fun and excitement that sports pools provide, they can also be terrific opportunities to:

  • Promote to current or prospective clients
  • Promote your charitable organization
  • Increase company morale
  • Personalize your pool for friends and family

At, we understand this concept and provide you with a great way to customize the user experience to better fit with your company's or organization's brand.

By simply swapping out the header (the one at the very top of this page) with your company logo and a matching background color, we can dramtically change the look of this site to private-label it for your company. As you can see by the sample images below, this small header change can dynamically change the look and feel of the site.

Unbranded version
(click to enlarge)

Branded version
(click to enlarge)


Branding your pool at is absolutely FREE!

Instructions and Requirements

In order to brand your pool, you'll need to:

1. Create your header image—Using your photo editing software, create a header image that meets the following specifications:

Width: 400 pixels
Height: 75 pixels
Border: None
Note: Some logos, when reduced significantly in size,
may not appear optimal.

2. Determine your header background color—This is the background color you would like the remainder of the header bar to be. It is often the same color as your images background color, but does not have to be. This must be provided as a hexadecimal (HEX) color. For example, the blue backround in the KRYP Radio example above is HEX #006699.

3. Brand your pool—You can now brand your pool yourself. Login using your Commissioner account for the pool you want to brand. Click the 'Edit Pool Settings' link under your commissioner Menu and select the branding option under the 'Display Settings' section.