Splash Sports, RunYourPool, & OfficeFootballPool are now a unified brand. Rest assured that you are in the right place.

Join a Public Contest

Splash NFL $50K Survivor Revival

$50 entry fee with $50,000 guaranteed prize. Pick 1 winning team each week and see how long you can stay alive. Winner takes all!


Kelly & Murray $50K Survivor Revival

Pick 2 winning NCAAF teams each week. If you're correct, you survive to the next week! Winner-takes-all.


Papa’s Second Chance $100k Survivor

Pick 1 winning NFL team each week. If you're correct, you survive to the next week! Winner-takes-all.


Or Join an Existing Pool

If you have a pool ID and join password, you can enter them below. If not, please contact your pool commissioner who can invite you directly or provide you with a link to join the pool where the pool ID and join password are not required.