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NHL Survivor Pools

Survive and advance this hockey season!

It seems our customers can't get enough of our Survivor pools. They've been asking for a Pro Hockey version and now it's here!

Whether you call it a Survivor, Suicide, or Elimnator pool, now you can run it online with our industry leading pool management service.

NHL pools

Hockey Survivor Pool Rules

  • Members pick one NHL team each week.
  • Picks are made from the Saturday slate of games each week.
  • If their pick is correct, they survive and advance. An incorrect pick eliminates the player from the pool.
  • The goal is to be the last member standing at the end of the season.

Survivor Pool Options

Pool commissioners have numerous options to customize their Survivor Pool, including:

  • Pick winners (Survivor pool) or pick losers (Loser pool)
  • Allow multiple pick entries per member account or limit members to a single entry
  • Choose the week to start your pool
  • Automatic pick assignment (in case members forget to pick)
  • "Mulligan" options for automatic or manual revivals after incorrect picks
  • More ...

Sample Picksheet & Reports

Weekly Report Summary
NHL Playoff Bracket Standings
Pick Sheet
NHL Stanley Cup Playoff Bracket Pick Sheet
All Picks Report
NHL Playoff Bracket Member Picks

Why Use Our Pool Management Service?

Running your Hockey Survivor pool has never been so easy:

  • No need to collect pick sheets. Your members login and pick online.
  • No more pick sheet errors. Our pick sheet prevents your members from forgetting to pick a series winner or a series length.
  • No more calculating scores. Pool standings are automatically updated.
  • No more waiting for results. All reports and standings are updated real-time.
  • No more need to distribute standings. Members simply login to the site to see updates.

Private Message Boards

Every pool hosted at includes a free, private message board. Your pool's message board, accessible only to your pool members, is a great way to communicate throughout the Tournament.


You can find pricing details on our Pricing page.

The price to continue using the service is based on the number of entries in your pool.

Company and Promotional Branding

NHL Survivor pools can be an excellent promotional opportunity for your business, raise money for a charity, or fund-raise for a youth sports team. It's ABSOLUTELY FREE to add your company or organization logo to customize the look of your hockey pool. For more information, see our Brand Your Pool page.

Start your Pool Today!

Start your NHL Survivor pool with us today. If you have any additional questions, please contact us via e-mail. We're happy to answer any questions you may have.

Start Your Pool

Frequently Asked Questions

In an NHL survivor pool, members choose one team from the Saturday games (or games for that week). Each team can only be picked once throughout the season. If they win, the member moves on to the next week. If they lose, the member is eliminated. The last member standing is the winner.

In an NHL survivor pool each member picks one NHL team to win for the week. Each team can only be chosen once during the season. If their pick win, the member moves on to the following week. If they do not win, the member is disqualified. The last one standing wins.