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NHL Playoff Pools for 2024

Running your hockey pool has never been easier!

If you love professional hockey, nothing is more exciting than the pursuit of the Stanley Cup. A great way to enjoy the NHL Playoffs is by running your own Playoff Bracket pool this year. Even better, run it online with our industry-leading pool management services.

The time for playoff beards and handshake lines is almost here!

Playoff Hockey Bracket Pool Rules

This format is simple enough for the novice, yet challenging enough for the most serious hockey fans:
  • Members try to pick the winner of each NHL Playoff series
  • For each series, they also pick how many games they think the series will go (4, 5, 6 or 7 games)
  • Points are awarded for each winning pick, with bonus points for how close they come to the correct series length
  • Points values increase as the tournament progresses (points per round are configurable by the Pool Commissioner)
  • The winning team is the team with the most points at the end of Playoffs.

Sample Picksheet & Reports

Pick Sheet
NHL Stanley Cup Playoff Bracket Pick Sheet
Leaderboard Report
NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament Bracket Standings
All Members' Picks
NHL Playoff Bracket Member Picks

Additional reports include:

Why Use Our Pool Management Service?

Running your Stanley Cup Playoff pool has never been so easy:

Private Message Boards

Every pool hosted at RunYourPool.com includes a free, private message board. Your pool's message board, accessible only to your pool members, is a great way to communicate throughout the Tournament.


The price to continue using the service is based on the number of bracket entries in your pool. The following price tier structure is your one-time fee for the entire Stanley Cup Playoffs!

NHL Playoff Bracket Pool Pricing
Up to 25 entries $22.95
26 to 50 entries $34.95
51 to 100 entries $59.95
101 to 150 entries $79.95
151 to 200 entries $99.95
201 to 300 entries $139.95
301 to 500 entries $199.95
501 to 1000 entries $299.95
Over 1000 entries E-mail us
NOTE: An "entry" is considered a member's submission of one complete bracket "sheet", containing all 16 playoff teams.

Company and Promotional Branding

Stanley Cup playoff pools can be an excellent promotional opportunity for your business, raise money for a charity, or fund-raise for a youth sports team. It's ABSOLUTELY FREE to add your company or organization logo to customize the look of your hockey pool. For more information, see our Brand Your Pool page.

Start your Pool Today!

Start your NHL Bracket pool with us today. If you have any additional questions, please contact us via e-mail. We're happy to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

NHL playoff bracket pools are where members try to pick the winner of the playoff series and pick how many games the series will go to. Every winning pick gets points, and a bonus for the closest to the series length. Values increase as the tournament progresses, but the Pool Commissioner sets that.